
Trinity and Gunas in Hinduism

Shakti and Gunas

Shakthi - It has various forms of its own, known as the POWER, ENERGY, KNOWLEDGE, DIVINITY..

Here I will talk about the divine power who is and will be ruling over even the tiniest molecule in the universe, she is often called asย ADI - PARASHAKTHI...

Adi-Parashakthi is a divine bright white light who has no defined physical form, having said that, with reference to our holy books, "She is the mother of anything and everything is born". It is she who has taken the masculine form of the divine trinity "Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh" to "Create-Preserve-Destroy" and to support this trinity she is present in the feminine form with the names, Mahasaraswathi-Mahalakshmi-Mahakali respectively. This was the small description about Adi-Parashakthi-The Divine Mother.

Now lets talk about the forms of shakthi which are here to maintain the balance of the universe, Shakthi is divided into threeย Gunas viz "Satva", "Rajas", "Tamas"ย Every human being has these three gunas, however which guna is ruling over the soul is only defined by the impact of the respective guna the soul has.

Lets talk about the gunas in-detail which will put some light on the word "impact" and would clarify the meaning of the same and also will see which quality (Guna) our divine mother has gifted us.

Satva Guna :

Satva Guna is ruled by Goddess Mahasaraswathi, The cosmic colour which she emits isย "Yellow"ย when she is in her human form she is visible in yellow colour and when she is in her energy (Shakthi) form she is defined asย "Sound Energy" Hence her other name is "Vani".ย She is the ruler of Truth, Wisdom, Peace, Clarity, Art. Calmness is what is seen under this guna. If a human being has the impact of this guna on his soul, then sacrifice, kindness, peace will be his ornaments that he will adorn permanently. Truth will be his weapon. Theย "Saints" are ruled by Satvik Guna.

Rajas Guna :

Rajas Guna is ruled by Goddess Mahalakshmi, The cosmic colour here isย "Red".ย Goddess Mahalakshmi represents Beauty, Prosperity, Success, Luck. When she is in her physical form she has that mesmerizing red color and when in her energy (Shakthi) form she isย "Light Energy" Hence they say, where there is brightness there is Prosperity.ย This Guna represents ambition, desire, will to win attitude, If a human soul is governed by this guna then the person surely has a go-getter attitude, Theย "Kings" are ruled by Rajasik Guna.

Tamas Guna :

Tamas Guna is ruled by Goddess Mahakali, The cosmic colour here isย "Dark Blue".ย Goddess Mahakali defines Power, Dare, Fierce, Hatred towards bad and evil, She takes blue colour when in the physical form and isย "Heat Energy"ย in her energy (Shakthi) form. People with this guna usually don't hide their feelings. For them there is always Black or White, precisely either Right or Wrong. They know only one rule, being best for good and worst for bad. If you are good with them they will be the best ones in your life and if you mess with them, then you will have to run for your life.

Above are the small descriptions of these three Gunas which are connected with the divine Shakthi, Analyze now which is your guna and which one would you want to possess.

Three Gunas

Shakti and The Gunas

Moving from tamasic nature to sattva means you are refining the physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and the energy body. If you refine this so much that it became very transparent, you cannot miss the source of creation which is within you.


As the Intelligence of life, Shakti moves by fine and high discernment. As Kali (associated with the tamas guna), in powerful and even violent ways to destroy what doesnโ€™t serve and make way for the new. As Lakshmi, in the aspect of rajas, in propelling a movement towards abundance and expansion and as Saraswati (through sattva guna), enabling transcendence and allowing the finest expression of discernment through art and _jnana (_wisdom).

I wrote more about this in the article: Shakti & the Dance of Discernment and talk about this in the video below:

Viewing the movement of life in these ways allows us to view life more impersonally as the movement of the Shaktis or gunas. As Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, โ€œWhen visionaries perceive no doer other than the Gunas, and know That which is above and beyond the gunas; then they attain nirvana.โ€ He says that โ€œthe one who remains like a witness; who is not moved by the Gunas, thinking that the Gunas only are operating;โ€ฆโ€ is one who has transcended the gunas.

Shakti is the mother and the mother imparts the wisdom that operates through discernment. May we truly honour Shakti which is not actually about the feminine but about the manifestation itself that is a reflection of the Self.


Firstly, I want to write a little about the Trinity (Trimurti) and Trishakti. The Trimurti consists of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. The Trishakti consists of their respective wives namely Shivani (Devi Parvati), Narayani (Maha Lakshmi), Brahmani (Divya Saraswati).

According to the ancient texts, Devi Mahamaya (Adi Shakti) says, โ€œ I am Shiva's trishul (trident). I am Vishnu's Sudarshana Chakra (disc) and I am Brahmaโ€™s Brahmastra.โ€

Basically, Trishul, Chakra, Brahmastra etc. are the Kundalini Shakti of their respective owners. Shakti itself means Adi Shakti. If the Trimurti and Trishakti fight, then whole universe will get destroyed in about a nanosecond. So, they will never have a fight. As they are interdependent and ultimately the same. Shakti can never fight with Shaktidhara. Both Shakti and Shaktidhar maintain a balance to run the world.

I hope that my answer helps you. Thank you for reading. Please forgive me if I made any mistake and please let me know through your comments.

Quora AI

The outcome of a hypothetical battle between Duttareya, representing the Trimurti (the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva), and Durga, representing Trishakti (the divine feminine energy), is largely subjective and depends on the context in which the fight is imagined.

  1. Philosophical Context: In Hindu philosophy, both Duttareya and Durga embody different aspects of divinity. The Trimurti represents creation, preservation, and destruction, while Durga symbolizes strength, protection, and the removal of obstacles. A battle between them might symbolize the struggle between different cosmic principles rather than a literal fight.
  2. Mythological Context: In many stories, Durga is depicted as a fierce warrior goddess who defeats powerful demons. If the conflict were framed as a battle of good versus evil, Durga could be seen as a champion of righteousness, potentially prevailing against any negative forces represented by the Trimurti.
  3. Cultural Interpretations: Different regions and traditions within Hinduism may have unique interpretations of these deities and their powers. The outcome could vary based on local beliefs and narratives.

Ultimately, the question of who would win is less about a definitive answer and more about the symbolic meanings and narratives surrounding these powerful figures in Hindu mythology.

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